Important Dates for Enrolling Students
This timeline is designed to help you prepare for your first semester of classes at Pacific Northwest College of Art. We will contact you by email with a reminder and additional instructions for each task. Please check your email regularly to ensure you stay on track for enrollment. You may also review your checklist and progress.
Your first step is to submit your enrollment deposit, which secures your place in our next entering class of students. Login to your applicant status page, submit the Reply to Your Offer of Admission and then submit your payment. If you have questions regarding your reply and deposit, contact the Admissions Office at or 503-821-8972.
Please reply to your offer of admission by May 1. The final reply deadline is August 5.
You may request a deposit extension by contacting the Admissions Office. Extensions will be granted for students who have submitted financial aid appeals or are awaiting financial aid offers from other institutions.
- AprilApr. 8 – May 10, 2024
Create Your Network Account and Activate Your University Email Account
The day after you pay your enrollment deposit, you can create your network account.
This will activate your university email address and enable access to all the services you'll need as a student. For reference, you can find your student ID number on your applicant status page (where you replied to your offer of admission and paid your deposit).
Failure to create your network account will delay other critical tasks, including course registration, housing and roommate assignment and bill payment.
Apr. 8, 2024Turn on Google 2-Step Authentication
Willamette University requires the use of Google 2-Step Authentication. You'll be prompted to do this immediately after network account creation and must do so within one week.
Failure to enable 2-Step Authentication within one week of account creation will lock your account. You must contact the Willamette Integrated Technology Services (WITS) Help Desk at 503-370-6767 or from a personal email account for assistance.
Apr. 8, 2024Add Your Willamette Email Account to Your Mobile Device
Follow these instructions to add your Willamette email account, including your calendar, to your mobile device.
Apr. 8 – Aug. 26, 2024Accessible Education Services Early Advising
If you used an IEP or 504 in high school, have used accommodations at a prior college/university, have a learning difference or mental health concern, any diagnosis that could impact academic performance or would warrant an accommodation in the classroom, residence hall or other space on campus, please contact Accessible Education Services to assess what accommodations or support will be appropriate for your success.
Apr. 8 – May 31, 2024Housing Application: Step 1
One day after creating your network account, you can begin the housing application.
During this step of the process, you will use the WU Housing Portal to:
- Review the Housing Contract and sign acknowledging you accept the terms;
- Make a decision regarding your renters insurance for your residence hall room; and,
- Submit your lifestyles and likings information, which will help us match you with your roommate(s).
ArtHouse availability is first-come, first-serve with priority given to first year students who live 30 miles or more from PNCA's campus, as well as students who submit their housing application and contract by May 31.
Students who deposit before June 1 must submit their housing application by June 7.
Students who deposit between June 2 and 26 should submit their housing application as soon as possible in order to participate in the roommate matching process from June 17-28.
Students who deposit after June 26 should submit their housing application as soon as possible. Residence Life & Housing staff will select a roommate on the student's behalf during the housing assignment process.
- MayMay 1, 2024
Reply to Your Offer of Admission and Submit Enrollment Deposit
Submit your enrollment deposit in your applicant status page to secure your place in the next entering cohort. The enrollment deposit is non-refundable and will be applied to your first semester bill. You’ll also be able to confirm your preferred first name at this time, which will be used in future communication and to create your network account.
You may request a deposit extension by contacting the Office of Undergraduate Admission. Extensions will be granted for students who have submitted financial aid appeals or are awaiting financial aid offers from other institutions.
May 13, 2024Summer Virtual Event for New PNCA Students: Registration + Academic Support
In the first of our summer virtual events for new PNCA students you’ll learn about the registration process and the ways that PNCA supports students academically. We’ll review how to register for classes and how to find courses to consider. We will also go over the academic accommodations process and the academic support systems available at PNCA.
You’ll hear from:
Max Winthrop, PNCA’s Academic Advisor
Jewls Griesmeyer-Krentz, The Assistant Director of Accessible Education Services
Sally Schoolmaster, The Assistant Dean of Academic SuccessMay 15-Aug. 16, 2024Schedule Advising and Course Registration Appointment
First Year Students: Schedule your advising and course registration appointment, which will take place from June 3 to mid-August. Students can select from an in-person appointment at PNCA's campus in Portland or over Zoom.
Transfer Students: After your portfolio and transcripts are evaluated, you'll receive an email from your faculty advisor regarding course registration and instructions for scheduling a required advising appointment.
May 21, 2024Summer Virtual Event for New PNCA Students: Housing + Residence Life
In this summer virtual event you will learn about PNCA’s student housing, ArtHouse and residence life at PNCA. We will go over how to navigate the Housing Portal, the process for roommate selection, what to expect on move-in day, what an RA is and what they do, and more.
You’ll hear from:
Heather Kropf, Director of Residence Life & Student Conduct
Tori Ruiz, Assistant Director of Housing Operations
Aaron Hukari, Associate Director of Residence Life & Housing
Chris Potts, PNCA Dean of Students for Community Care and InclusionMay 22, 2024Review Information about Paying for College
The Office of Financial Aid will mail you information that summarizes estimated costs and financial aid for the upcoming semester, provides instructions for student loan processing, and outlines options for paying the balance due (such as through a payment plan, parent loan, and/or private loan).
- JuneJun. 1–Aug. 26, 2024
Submit Final High School and College Transcripts
First year students, and transfer students with fewer than 62 semester credits, must have a final high school transcript with graduation date sent directly from their high school. Proof of high school graduation or equivalency is required for financial aid disbursement.
All students with prior college enrollment (including as dual enrollment credit earned in high school) must also have official transcripts sent with the most recently completed term of grades included. Prior college coursework cannot be evaluated for transfer without updated official transcripts.
Failure to provide these materials by the first day of classes will result in a hold placed on your account preventing involvement in some activities and course registration in future semesters.
Jun. 5–Jul. 14, 2024Update Emergency Contact Information
Update your emergency contact information in SAGE, the system where all your educational records will be located throughout your time as a student. Detailed information is available from the Office of the Registrar.
Jun. 10, 2024Summer Virtual Event for New PNCA Students: Student Affairs Overview
This summer virtual event will go over the many aspects of Student Affairs at PNCA. You will learn more about Student Engagement and Leadership, Health and Wellness, and what to expect during New Student Orientation. We will also go over PNCA’s mental health and wellbeing support, academic support and the accommodations process, and how to get involved on campus through student leadership and student groups.
You’ll hear from:
Chris Potts, PNCA Dean of Students for Community Care and Inclusion
Don Thomson, Associate Dean for Health & Wellbeing
Hunter Marcus, PNCA Health Coach & Educator
Jackson Seemayer, Director of Student AffairsJun. 10–Aug. 9, 2024Submit ID Card Photo
Submit your ID card photo online. We'll have it ready for you to pick up when you arrive on campus.
Jun. 10–Aug. 12, 2024Register for New Student Orientation
New Student Orientation is our way of ensuring you're prepared to have a great start at PNCA. All students must attend from August 22 to 24. Please register to confirm your attendance.
When you confirm your attendance at New Student Orientation, you'll also be able to opt into the following:
- Living the Arts, August 19-20, is a unique, two-day pre-orientation experience designed specifically for first-year students at PNCA. By the end of the program, you'll have the tools and knowledge to truly 'live the arts' as a student at PNCA. This means prioritizing your health, wellness, and academic success by tapping into the supports and tools available to you. Participation is not required. Cost is $100 and covers all programming and meals. Scholarships, based on financial need, are available.
- Residents of ArtHouse are invited to attend a Welcome Dinner the evening of August 21. This will provide you an opportunity to get to know other residents and members of the Student Affairs staff.
Jun. 10–Sep. 9, 2024Submit Health History and Immunization Records
Submit your online health history and immunization information to Bishop Wellness Center via the Student Health Portal. Instructions, including information about SB 274 per Oregon law, will be sent via email starting on June 10, 2024.
Jun. 14–Aug. 21, 2024Mini Art Mailing
All incoming students are invited to create a 4” x 6” mini art piece. Your piece will be included in a show celebrating our incoming students and will open during September First Thursdays at PNCA!
Materials and instructions will be mailed on June 14. If you have not received your materials by July 7, please contact the Admissions Office. Once your piece is complete, please mail it to the PNCA Admissions Office (511 NW Broadway Portland, OR 97209). You are also welcome to submit your mail art in person over the summer or when you get to campus during New Student Orientation. The deadline to submit your mini art mailing is August 21.
Jun. 17–28, 2024Housing Application: Step 2
During this step, you will find or confirm your roommate through the WU Housing Portal. All roommate requests must be mutual, meaning, each student must request each other. You can bypass this phase if you would like the system to match you based on the answers you provided in your lifestyles and likings information.
You must complete the housing application by June 26 in order to participate in the roommate matching process. For students who deposit or complete their housing application after June 26, Residence Life & Housing staff will select a roommate on the student's behalf during the housing assignment process.
During this virtual event, you will learn everything you need to know about the next steps in the financial aid and billing processes. We will go over where to see your financial aid offer, how to pay your bill, and how to take out a loan or utilize a payment plan.
- JulyJul. 8, 2024
Student Accounts Information
Student Accounts will mail you information regarding your online statement, the billing process, payment options and other important matters.
Jul. 8–29, 2024Complete Required Educational Trainings
All students must complete required trainings about sexual assault prevention, alcohol and other drug prevention, and topics on the subject of diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging. These trainings are assigned by the Office of Student Affairs to promote a community of respect, safety, and health. You will be notified at your Willamette email with additional instructions when the modules are available. Two modules will be available on July 8. The third module will be available as soon as possible after that, based on updating relevant policies and materials. The deadline for the third module will be updated accordingly.
Questions about the required modules can be directed to the Office of Student Affairs at If you encounter technical difficulties with the modules, please contact Vector Solutions at
Jul. 15–Aug. 26, 2024Submit Student Financial Responsibility Agreement
All students are required to accept the Student Financial Responsibility Agreement, which outlines the financial terms and conditions associated with enrollment. Login to Bill+Payment and the agreement will appear on the screen. You must click "I agree" prior to the first day of classes.
Jul. 15–Aug. 26, 2024View Your Tuition and Fees Statement
Your tuition and fees statement will be posted to your online account, and a paper copy will be sent via regular mail.
Jul. 15, 2024Summer Virtual Event for New PNCA Students: First Year Experience
This summer virtual event is all about what to expect for your first year at PNCA! During this event we will go over the details of New Student Orientation: Schedule and expectations, parent and family participation, hotel suggestions and more. We will also go over the first year experience at PNCA.
You’ll hear from:
Jackson Seemayer, Director of Student Affairs
Sally Schoolmaster, Associate Professor & Assistant Dean for Academic SuccessJul.22–Sep. 9, 2024Complete Your Health Insurance Waiver
All eligible students are enrolled in and charged for the Student Health Insurance Policy every academic year. Waivers are required annually for students who wish to opt out of the Student Health Insurance Plan.
International students who would like to request an insurance waiver should contact the Office of International Education.
The Student Health Insurance waiver will be available online starting July 22, 2024. Deadline to submit this waiver is Sept. 9, 2024.
Jul. 29, 2024Summer Virtual Event for New PNCA Students: Career Development
This summer virtual event will be all about career development at PNCA. We will go over how to find a campus job, opportunities for first year students, finding internships and provide an overview of the services that the Office of Career Development provides.
You’ll hear from:
Anne Lapour, Executive Director of Career Initiatives
Lynn Brown, Director of the Talent Hub
Rosa Phoenix Wang, Career Advisor - AugustAug. 1–20, 2024
Gather Employment Documents to Bring to Campus
If you plan to work on campus, you will need to provide the required documentation for proof of work eligibility during the hiring process. Review the list of eligible documents from USCIS. Once you are hired for on-campus employment, you will need to provide required documents in their original format. Photocopies, scans, emails, or expired documents will not be accepted and will delay the start of your on-campus employment.
Aug. 5, 2024Receive Your Housing Assignment and Roommate Information
Your housing assignment and roommate information will be sent to your Willamette email account.
Aug. 5–15, 2024Reserve a Move-In Time
Once you receive your housing assignment, reserve a timeslot to move-in to your on-campus housing.
Aug. 19-20, 2024Living the Arts Pre-Orientation Program
Living the Arts is a unique, two-day pre-orientation experience designed specifically for first-year students at PNCA. By the end of the program, you'll have the tools and knowledge to truly 'live the arts' as a student at PNCA. This means prioritizing your health, wellness, and academic success by tapping into the supports and tools available to you. Participation is not required.
During this experience, you will…
- Move-in early
- Make connections with classmates before orientation!
- Get acquainted with the city of Portland & the art & design community
- Learn about ways to navigate your health & wellness and develop a wellness plan
- Connect with Accessible Education Services to learn about the accommodations process & how AES can support you as a student, artist, and designer
- Connect with Academic Support to learn about academic success tools and resources and develop a success plan.
Note your interest on your Orientation registration form.
Aug. 21, 2024ArtHouse Move In
Move into ArtHouse based on your previously reserved time. Residents are invited to a welcome dinner with members of the Student Affairs staff. Note your interest on your Orientation registration form.
Aug. 22, 2024New Student Orientation Begins
New Student Orientation will give you the tools and resources you need throughout your first semester and beyond. ArtHouse residents are invited to attend a Welcome Dinner the evening of August 21.
Aug. 26, 2024First Day of Classes
Fall semester classes begin. You can access the full academic calendar online.